Make your own nameplate! Proudly manufactured in the USA, this high-quality brass brushed gold finish plate measures 3"" x 1"". The plates are baked-on enamel-coated before being engraved with our diamond drag engraving method. The engraving is cut into the plate surface lightly. Following that, the engraving is darkened with an oxidizer solution. It has an adhesive back for simple mounting. Make it exactly how you want it to fit your needs.
Send us your engraving information along with the customization information you've selected below, and we'll ship the plate to you in 2-3 business days! These plates are only for indoor use. A fantastic addition to your model ships!
Choose your customization options below:
Step 1: Choose your plate style: Squared Corners or Rounded Corners
Step 2: Add your text: Up to three lines (35 characters per line max)
Note: Upon receiving your order, we will send you a link to collect custom information.