This unique vintage 1870 High Wheeler model will surely spark up a conversation! It features intricate details such as iron spoke wheels, seat, light weight frame, pedals, and a wheel stand. A must have for the collector and enthusiast!
This high wheeler is 100% iron frame with metal, rolling wheels. The exterior details such as the bell are securely welded on. When shipped, the items are packaged with foam inserts banded to pieces of cardboard to keep them held sturdily in place.
In 1870 the first all metal machine appeared. (Previous to this metallurgy was not advanced enough to provide metal which was strong enough to make small, light parts out of.) The pedals were still attached directly to the front wheel with no freewheeling mechanism. Solid rubber tires and the long spokes of the large front wheel provided a much smoother ride than its predecessor. The front wheels became larger and larger as makers realized that the larger the wheel, the farther you could travel with one rotation of the pedals. You would purchase a wheel as large as your leg length would allow. This machine was the first one to be called a bicycle (two wheels). These bicycles enjoyed a great popularity among young men of means (they cost an average worker six months pay), with the hey-day being the decade of the 1880s.